Валаам - фотографије пејсажа
Valaam landscape photos
135 JPG | around 780 x 500 | 7,5 MB | RS.com
Фотографије Валаамаских манастира и околине.
Valaam landscape photos
135 JPG | around 780 x 500 | 7,5 MB | RS.com
Фотографије Валаамаских манастира и околине.
Мount Athos of the North, the worthy and great Laura' – so was called this ancient monastic dwelling, which was founded by Saints Sergius and German, the Valaam Miracle Workers. More than once did the Valaam Monastery see destruction and devastation, more than once did its monks die by tne edge of the sword more than once were its holy churches engulfed in flames. But every time, the monastery recovered from its wounds.
rose and flourished again.